Whenever somebody in the association makes you uncomfortable by crossing your boundaries, there are multiple avenues of help to prevent this situation from happening again. We as an association have a Confidential Person, Francine who is not part of the board and is there for you in case anything has happened to you. You can talk to her and she will try to help you out with whatever it may be. But dont take my word for it here is what she herself has to say. “

“Hey Peritanerds,
I just wanted to send a quick message to remind you all that during this academic year I will be available as trust person within Peritan as discussed during the GMA.
To quickly introduce myself to the people who haven’t met me: I’m Francien. I was in last year’s board but since I graduated and moved to Tilburg I won’t be able to be as active in Peritan anymore. This also means you probably won’t see me around very much.
Feel free to contact me via WhatsApp or a phone call whenever something happened that made you feel uncomfortable, hurt, or just weird in any way. You can also do this is you have the feeling something might be happening that does not necessarily concern you. We can discuss what is going on and come up with a solution together discreetly. This way we can keep this association a safe and comfortable space for everyone 😊”
e-mail: Francien.vd.dool@live.nl
Discord: FrancijnaElisa – Francien
Phone: You can also find Francien in the whatsapp group, for privacy reasons her phone number will not be shared on the website.
There are also confidential advisors from Maastricht University itself don´t hesitate to reach out to Francien or them. Here is the link for UM Confidential Advisors.