PeriLAN 2024

MSEA Peritan is happy to announce PeriLAN 2024. Our overnight LAN party will be filled with video games, boardgames, competitions and a lot more of fun! So, bring your laptops, PC’s and other gaming devices and join us for an amazing night.

There will be competitions in games like League of Legends, TFT, CS2, Valorant, Mario Kart, Rocket League and Super Smash Bros.
In addition, There will be a D&D event and we will have a broad selection of board games available which includes titles like Exploding Kittens, Catan, Ticket to Ride, Codenames, Saboteur, and many more. All in all, there will be many fun activities for you and your friends to do!

Location: Stellendaal 15, Maastricht (Easily reachable with public transport by taking bus 1 or 2). Bikes have to be parked on the school terrain and not outside of it.
Date and Time: 10:00 on Saturday 25th of May until 10:00 26th of May. Tournaments and competitions will start at 16.00. To guarantee some peace and quiet in the neighbourhood entering and leaving has to be done before 23:00 or after 7:00. (Exemptions can be made in case of emergencies.)
Ticket price: €10 for non-members of Peritan. Preferably the costs can be transfer to MSEA Peritan directly. The details will be on the sign-up form. Alternatively, you can pay in cash at the entrance. There are limmited places so make sure you sign up as soon as possible to secure a spot.
The costs for Peritan members has been compensated by UM-Sports.

Other information for participants:

  1. By buying a ticket the participant has the right to a place at a table with a chair where there is enough space to put a laptop or PC with one screen.
  2. Bringing laptops, PCs, and consoles is at the participant’s own risk, so do keep an eye on your stuff. There will also be crew watching, but they cannot oversee everything.
  3. Every participant has to comply with the general code of conduct of MSEA Peritan. If the crew finds that a participant is not complying with the rules they have the right to exclude this participant from the event.
  4. There will be a designated smoking area outside, to respect the neighborhood and the venue, stay in this area and be quiet.

This event is made possible with the support of Stadsnomade.

Stichting Stadsnomade Maastricht
Skateboarding and youthculture for sustainable development of young people, their comunity and the city.